Fess up. You’ve got nothing else going tomorrow at 6 p.m. Why not meet up with friends at Crimson Lounge for some cocktails, chit chat and (almost always) enough heavy hors d'oeuvres to call it dinner? It'll all be happening at Flirting for Disaster. The American Red Cross of Greater Chicago’s Auxiliary Board and Society—a group of smart, fun, philanthropic people—plan these events, and all of the proceeds go to our chapter.
I convinced my friend Nicole to volunteer with me at a Flirting event once, and now she’s hooked. We’ll be there tomorrow mingling and selling raffle tickets (check out the list of prizes!), so come and say hello. You can learn more about the Flirting events here, or just show up tomorrow!
P.S. Though this is a great place to meet people, actual flirting is NOT required. Most people bring a friend or two to hang out, network and meet people. If you've got a Flirting story, we'd love to hear it! Did you make a job connection, or meet someone to watch the Bears games with? Let us know!
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