The American Red Cross of Greater Chicago is proud to appreciate our volunteers this week for all the hard work they do for the Chicagoland community. Throughout our seven county territory volunteers are constantly and diligently working on behalf of the Red Cross to help their neighbors.
Volunteers are busy everyday teaching life saving skills like CPR and First Aid, responding to local disasters by providing food, shelter and clothing to those in need, answering phones, sorting mail, entering data, helping at fundraising events, presenting community disaster education and much, much more.
The American Red Cross of Greater Chicago has over 2000 core volunteers and we would not be able to serve 8.6 million people in the Chicagoland area without them. The estimated dollar value of volunteer time in IL is $21.91. For FY08-09, that would equal approximately $626,000 worth of work! In reality, the work done by our volunteers is priceless and they are definitely worthy of appreciation not only this week but every week.
We are doing many different things to show our appreciation to our volunteers. One of them is a wall of thanks that we will have posted in all of our facilities for people to write a special note to our volunteers. Not coming to any of our facilities this week? Feel free to post a comment below to show your appreciation and we will make sure our volunteers receive your note. Thank you so much for supporting our wonderful volunteers and we hope you join the family one day soon!
Volunteers are superstars! Without them the Red Cross would not exist! Thank you for all you do XOXOXO! -LaToya
I would like to thank all the volunteers who help out Disaster Services Technology Services (DST). DST works to make sure cell phones, radios and computers are working and available at a disaster site, they put in long hours to make sure everything runs smooth.
Duane Whittingham
Greater Chicago Chapter
American Red Cross volunteers ROCK!!!
If you have ever been helped by the Red Cross after a disaster, heart attack, war, etc., it is our volunteers who make it happen... Those of us who work here, watch it happen everyday. Imagine if most of the work you had to get done everyday was done by a staff, 90+ percent of whom were unpaid... That's how important they are here. They make Red Cross relief possible and the world better.
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