Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Storm Rages On, but the Red Cross is There

It looks like Tropical Storm Fay will not let up any time soon, and the Red Cross isn't backing down. The storm has already left thousands of Florida residents without power and worried about the possibility of floods and tornados. Our teams are on the frontlines providing food and shelter to affected residents, and we have more shelters ready should the massive rains the weather forecasters are predicting amount to anything.

While I don't like hearing about the major damage storms like these produce, it warms my heart to know that over 500 Red Cross volunteers, most of them Florida residents, are there to lend a helping hand to their fellow neighbors and friends.

It's always comforting to know someone has your back when the going gets tough, and I love when I'm reminded that it is at the core of what the Red Cross does every day.

Has there ever been a time when a friend or family member came to your rescue...and you were beyond grateful? I'd love to read about it!

- Oana Odean is Senior Associate in Marketing & Communcations at the chapter

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