Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kid Fire Safety!

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, children under the age of five are twice as likely to die in a home fire than the rest of the population. Help keep your children safe by making these tips a habit!

  • Keep matches, lighters and other ignitable substances in a secured location out of the reach of children, and only use lighters with child-resistant features.
  • Practice your home fire escape plan with your children several times a year.
  • Also practice stop, drop and roll and low crawling.
  • Familiarize children with the sound of your smoke alarm and what to do when they hear it.
  • Teach your children not to be scared of firefighters. Take them to your local fire department to meet them and learn about fire safety.
  • Teach your children to tell you or a responsible adult when they find matches or lighters at home or school.

These fire facts are brought to you by Team Firestopper! We’re working to stop fires before they start in your community! For more information or fire tips, visit www.chicagoredcross.org/tfs or www.redcross.org/homefires!

Sources: American Red Cross, U.S. Fire Administration*, and the National Fire Protection Association

1 comment:

Badrinath said...

We have interconnected smoke detectors, and my son knows where to meet us in case of fire--out back by the swingsets. He knows not to go back in the house either.