Thursday, April 15, 2010

Are the Number of Earthquakes Rising?

Photo courtesy of the Red Cross society of China. This picture was taken during the 2009 earthquake.

With news of the earthquake in China yesterday, many people are wondering if the number of earthquakes is rising. The short answer: No. But our awareness about them is, especially as urban populations grow. Here are some thoughts from the Red Cross blog run out of Washington D.C.:

This year has been remarkable in the number of earthquakes in close succession that have had human impacts, but the number of earthquakes, from the earth’s perspective, is not unusual … it’s exciting and it’s terrible, but it’s not unusual – says Michael Blanpied, USGS’s associate coordinator for earthquake hazards.

Here are just a few of the many articles explaining exactly what’s happening with the earth right now:

Once again, here’s our tip sheet for making sure you handle a potential earthquake in the most resilient and prepared way you can. Just by reading it you’re helping yourself.

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